Quitting office job to nanny... Thoughts?

I work a monday-friday 8-5pm office job. i feel very beaten down and like i could get fired anytime. i make mistakes and let emails get lost and don't execute projects so well. i'm neurdivergent and have always struggled keeping a job. i am seriously debating becoming a nanny. working part time hours (30 hours) for $20-$35/ hour. i am scared i will feel immense regret and shame for this decision, especially if it doesn't work out. i feel a pull to just keep doing better and fixing my mistakes and focusing and trying harder and making this job i have work. maybe waiting it out. i am scared i'll be stuck in a miserable cycle either way.

please share any thoughts, experience, advice, ask any questions. i feel safe as far as long term. i'm marrying a man who will be making a great salary after grad school (120k) and will support us both.