⎝How to get special characters in your name ⎝
Hi All! A few days ago I commented on a post about someone with special characters in their name. That did well and I get asked about it all the time in game so I thought I would make a simple tutorial with how to replicate it. This is for steam users as I don't know if it works for other game loaders.
First step is to go to steam, click your username at the top next to community, then click "Edit Profile" towards the right side of the steam client. The first text field is titled "PROFILE NAME", and that is what you want to change.
Next search for the Unicode Tables or go here https://unicode.org/charts/
Lastly, find the characters you want from each of the tables, copy and paste them into the profile name text field, and click save. There are thousands of characters but not all characters work in steam. Not every one will show properly in AoE4, so you may have to play around with it.