I miss the original S6 shields and TTK

There, I said it. I know I'm in the minority, I know most people hated it, but I really enjoyed how quickly the fights went. I still love the game, I'll still play it a ton, but the faster TTK really spoiled me. Ranked is especially bad now. Earlier in the season you could get a quick knock and push, but now it's really difficult to get those quick picks which makes building fights so much more annoying. Perhaps the difference won't be so noticeable on KC where there's less verticality in the buildings so they are harder to fortify, but I'm finding it really frustrating right now on WE.

I personally hope they make some further changes to it. I'm not really sure what they can do besides tweaking red shields and how you obtain them, but I'm sure the devs are smarter than me and are already thinking of ways. I don't want the TTK to be CoD level of quick, but I would also like them to be a little faster than they are now