Kings Canyon Rank is Terrible this Season .

Respawn please let this be last time we see KC in Rank KC is simply too small for a competitive environment. With the Triple Take,Hemlock being broken a’f and the G7 always being dominant combined with a small map and Rev alt this Season rank is by far the worst rank series in my opinion. You try to avoid a fight? Get 3rd partied, you try to take a fight? Get third partied. You try to third party get fourth partied. It’s absolutely ridiculous how rampant 3rd parties are and how it has created such a toxic scene in rank. I am currently in D4 playing bouncing between D3 and it only gets worst the higher you get. Often there would be a clique of Preds in the same lobby with a temporary agreement not to 3rd each other. I am so serious.

Preds have to basically boarderline team to gain rp in console rank and which prevents others from even having a chance to climb to Pred or Masters at least on NA. It is terrrible. Please never bring KC back for Rank or simply adjust the way points are distributed because with the ramped 3rd parties and shitty gun meta it is boarder line unplayable.