r/Arc'teryx Monthly Sales Thread 09/01/2023

The moderators of r/arcteryx take NO responsibility for the buying, selling or trading in this thread or sub.


  • Sale posts must start with WTS
  • Trade posts must start with WTT
  • Buy posts must start with WTB
  • Sale/trade posts must start with WTSoT
  • Proxy posts must start with PROXY


  • Note your location (state and country)
  • Note your shipping requirements (FTF only, US only, worldwide, etc)
  • Note your payment requirements (Paypal, Money order, etc)
    • BE SMART! Know the limitations on Paypal F&F/Western union MOs, etc
  • Note the product Name, Size, and Condition.
    • A note of provenance is helpful ("Purchased from Moosejaw in 2013", etc)
  • Post pictures! The more the better. Include the tags and photos of any known wear areas.
  • Post your price or trade requirements.
  • WTS posts MUST include a price. This is not an auction site. Haggling can be done through PMs but not in the comments.
  • Update the thread when an item is SPF (Sold Pending Funds) and then SOLD.


  • Post questions about the item in the thread. The answers can help other potential buyers.
  • Be honest about your intentions. If you post "I'll take it!" be ready to move forward with the price and payment method agreed upon.
  • Keep all personal information to PMs. Don't DOX yourself or the seller!!
  • BE SMART! Know the risks of PayPal F&F, Western Union MOs, etc.
  • Post in the thread once your receive the item!


  • All of the advice above applies (which location are you in, where is the item you want to get).
  • Proxies are very, very much at your own risk. We cannot make guarantees.
  • You are probably even less covered by buyer protections than a normal online transaction. Determine your risk accordingly.
  • There are numerous services that fulfill this need, especially for large countries. Look into those as well.
  • If you fund somebody to proxy, update your comment to reflect that, and then when you have received the item.