Is Arkham City’s story overrated?

I remember the first time playing Arkham City being blown away by the story, the twist at the end with Joker, Protocol 10 with Ras being behind it. 14 years later, and dozens of playthroughs, I still find this story to be pretty great and one of my favorite Batman plot lines of all time.

I guess Im asking this because lately I have seen a lot of hate going towards this game. I think a lot of it has to do with the rising amount of love that Origins is getting, people are trying to make the argument that it’s better than City. I don’t hate Origins, but I think the story is flawed and gets stale and generic at points. Yeah we know what Protocol 10 is, and that Clayface is working with Joker, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the story. You can say the same with Origins (we already know it’s Joker, we know Alfred survives, etc)

In City Batman goes through A LOT, with deaths and being poisoned, it feels like there are a lot more stakes than in Origins.

What do you think?

What do you think?

I remember the first time playing Arkham City being blown away by the story, the twist at the end with Joker, Protocol 10 with Ras being behind it. 14 years later, and dozens of playthroughs, I still find this story to be pretty great and one of my favorite Batman plot lines of all time.

I guess Im asking this because lately I have seen a lot of hate going towards this game. I think a lot of it has to do with the rising amount of love that Origins is getting, people are trying to make the argument that it’s better than City. I don’t hate Origins, but I think the story is flawed and gets stale and generic at points. Yeah we know what Protocol 10 is, and that Clayface is working with Joker, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the story. You can say the same with Origins (we already know it’s Joker, we know Alfred survives, etc)

In City Batman goes through A LOT, with deaths and being poisoned, it feels like there are a lot more stakes than in Origins.

What do you think?

What do you think?