Mama to 11 year old Transgender Daughter: Looking into Puberty Blockers
I have an appointment tomorrow with my daughter's gender-affirming psych (from Kaiser) about puberty blockers. My husband and I are going into the appointment for education on the process. I know a little but about the process, but I am nervous about starting medical interventions.
Some background on my daughter: It was no surprise to us when my daughter decided this past summer she wanted to change her name and pronouns to start the school year. Since before she could talk, she felt best in costume princess dresses and wigs. There was never anything remotely "masculine" about her, and we supported her as she was/is. She was cognizant about pronouns and the freedom to dress however she felt, but always went with he/him and her (now) dead name until this past summer.
So although it's not a surprise to us, the full swing to female is only about 8 months old-but she is thriving! There have been a few bumps in the road with classmates, but she has (for the first time) gone to school consistently! It's been beautiful to watch.
I'd love to hear your experiences with puberty blockers. If you were unable to get them prepubescent, do you wish you had?
I appreciate your time and point of view!