Is my understanding of gender correct?
Hi! So, I'm a trans woman and I've spent a lot of time thinking about what exactly makes me a woman. And I came to an answer. But I discovered that some people disagree with my understanding of gender, some even considered it transmed. So I think the best decision is to ask about it here, to find if my thoughts are correct. Please, if you don't like to talk about "what is a gender" or biology, ignore this post. I don't want to trigger anyone.
So. There's no specific thing that can determine someone's sex. Let's take cis women. Cis women can have xy chromosomes or other ones that are different from xx, cis women can be born without uterus, etc. Usually AGAB is decided by genitalia, but genitalia can be changed. I came to a conclusion: the answer is....... Brain. From basic biology it is known that women and men have different brains. The differences are not radical, but they exist. As I know, every brain is unique, but there are tendencies typical to women and tendencies typical to men. So, trans women have brains more similar to cis women and trans men have brains similar to cis men. I'm not including intersex and non binary people just because their brains weren't studied so I can't say for sure (but I think they're valid anyway). But women and men brains were studied a lot. I've read a lot of papers about this: all of them are saying that there are characteristics typical to cis and trans men and characteristics typical to cis and trans women.
So well.. looks like the way you feel your gender is determined by your brain. It is inclusive and proved by science. What else do you need?
Please say what do you think about my opinion. Just don't be rude please<3