Is anyone else not offended by the "r word"?

I don't know, i've never personally felt offended by that word. I know its been used against Aspies and people with autism since well, forever, but i've never found it offensive. I've said it before and my best friend who has Asperger's also, says it pretty much all the time. I feel like when you get off the internet bubble and in the real world, you find that most Aspies either are neutral on it or use it liberally, but thats only been my experience. The new thing online is for Aspies and people with Autism to reclaim the "r word" like how Black people and Latino's have reclaimed the N word for empowerment but honestly I never saw it that way. It just never offended me even though I know it can be used directly against me. I'm sure ill get some pushback on this but i'm just being honest.