Feeling isolated from my Catholic mom
Recently, my mom had people come over to our house for a rosary prayer to the virgin of Fatima because she signed up to do it. I got out of it by doing homework and sleeping early afterwards. When I ate breakfast today, my dad got mad about how the people that came to our house to lead the prayers were singling out gay people with their views on matrimony. My mom told him that the Bible says being gay is wrong and that those strangers were right. However, my Bible in Spanish distinguishes hombre (man) from varón (the Spanish word mostly used to refer to young boys) in Leviticus 18:22 and I fully believe that if the Bible were real, it’s just a mistranslation.
I’m sad about it because I’m secretly pansexual and I thought my mom wouldn’t mind it if ever do decide to come out since I have a gay uncle on her side of the family. She also told me that she knows the devil has been testing me before and I feel like she’d quickly see me revealing that I’m an atheist and pansexual as a test from either the devil or god. She should also know better than to judge others because she has been judged before because her and my dad previously couldn’t get married in the church. I’m fine with my dad being religious because I know he’s not bad, he’s not afraid to speak out when he disagrees with something, and he might just be a cultural Catholic that says he believes in god because it’s a part of our family culture as Mexicans. I just wish I knew more people like him that aren’t afraid to challenge what they hear. Is it normal to feel isolated by your one or both of your parents?