Is it possible that some religious leaders are atheists in disguise, exploiting faith for personal gains instead of helping people escape the delusion?

How can someone lie to their followers, pretending to cast out demons, talking to the demons, and the demons reply back (but it's only them who hear the demons speak), knowing it's all false? Pretend to be raising the dead or pretending to be healing the sick and the crippled to walk when they know they're lying. This suggests they are not Christians because they know it's all a lie and don't truly believe in the bible or its teachings.

I have heard a story of a pastor who mixed chemicals to deceive his followers that he was turning water into blood. He knew he was making things up. So, do these people really believe in a god? I suspect there are many 'church leaders' , including the pope( sometimes supporting things the bible don't) have secretly debunked christianity but still choose to stay. It's annoying and selfish. Instead of waking people up, they continue their deceit. Their followers, who continue to follow them blindly even after exposure, are just "blind"