Dynaco ST-70 biasing question with new tubes

Some months back, I asked here for advice for a hi-fi repair human in the San Francisco Bay Area, and got pointed to the fantastic Matt Householder in San Francisco, who took my left-for-dead-by-someone-and-junked ST-70 and gave it a full once over. Replacement power transformer (shorted), filter choke, filter caps, et al, and I opted to put in the tubes4hifi "classic version" mod. I'm running Monitor Audio 300 tower speakers (https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/monitor-audio-silver-300/). I have been more pleased with these speakers than any I tried in my price range, largely because of their low end response.

While everything sounds solid overall, and there's superb imaging and top end clarity, I felt like I was missing a degree of bottom end that I was familiar with on these speakers with my various solid state amps (a modern Parasound and a Marantz 2252B), so after some research and other Reddit suggestions, I got a matched pair of 4 Tung-Sol EL34Bs and plopped them in. (It had the stock Dumont EL34s, which I will probably now sell off).

Now I am hearing a little more of the "beef" that I wanted, possibly with a verrrrrrry marginal loss of top-end "sparkle", but this is very hard for my old ears to gauge without a true A/B comparison. And my question is (and please be gentle with me, as I am new to the tube game):
Do I need to re-bias upon installing these tubes?

Addendum question, again, a dumbass one: it was suggested that perhaps the Dynaco was ill-matched to my speakers, which could be inefficient. So, how would I know? Obviously the Dynaco was built for 4-8-16Ω, and mine are 8Ω.