Jan-27| War & Peace - Book 2, Chapter 2
- Today's Podcast
- Ander Louis translation of War & Peace
- Ander Louis W&P Daily Hangout (Livestream)
- Medium Article by Brian E. Denton
Discussion Prompts via /u/seven-of-9
- We get so many details about the personality and mannerisms of the regimental commander, but the only name he is given is a nickname toward the end of the chapter, “The King of Hearts.” Is this significant? Why do you think Tolstoy chose not to name him?
- What are your impressions of General Kutuzov? How does he compare to the commanders and captains we’ve been introduced to so far?
- This chapter is made up of small exchanges - between Kutuzov and Timokhin, Kutuzov and Dolokhov, Dolokhov and the hussar cornet Zhukov, exchanges among the officers and among the company men. Which of these interactions, if any, do you think are sincere? Which are mocking, formalities, or for show?
Final line of today's chapter:
... and overtook the carriage, still keeping time to the song.