Playing long sessions vs short my experience:

I logged in 2 15 hour sessions this month at my local casino playing small $50-$150 bets. Bought in for $300 first 10 mins hit my goal by securing a $600 dragon. Normally I would take my break anytime I hit my goals if I were in Vegas . But I just got there so I continued to play.

8 hours later I lose the $600 I’m up and and back to my original buy in. I leaking alot money betting side bets and over betting. 3 hrs later I’m down $800 of my own money. During this time (I bet the wrong side 3-4 times on my bigger bets). I’m tilted and tired so I went to the higher $100 limit with my remaining $1300. I couldn’t hit anything was down to my last $300 then I hit a few bets and back to $900. At that point I was ready to take L because I’m exhausted and I have very limited bullets 13 hours in. But the reserved table opened after a guy lost $40k . That table finally gave a 13+ player streak which included two pandas. It took literally 15 hours to find a shoe to get me back to green.

-It’s impossible to be disciplined for that long -you will leak money doing stupid shit -you bet too many hands - you bet the wrong side

You need mental breaks to rest your eyes and calm emotions .

I now realize the reason I had a 2.5 year win streak is because during those trips whether I won or lost a session I kept my short to give me the best chance of winning