Sharp burning pain upper back 2 years

I've been dealing with a sharp, burning pain in my rhomboid/scapular area for two years (see pictures I marked the area where I’m experiencing the pain). I tried a cortisone shot, but it didn't provide relief. I went to an orthopedic specialist and he told me I basically have to live with the pain at this point and he wasn’t very helpful. The symptoms worsen when I stand for long periods or elevate my scapula when it's already hurting. At its worst, I can't abduct my arm, can't sleep on it, and only heat offers slight relief. I've spent a lot of time strengthening my muscles, which helps a bit, and tried nerve glides and standard physical therapy exercises. Now, I plan on seeking a second opinion from another physician. Two PTs and a chiropractor suspect it might be related to my ulnar nerve (I've experienced tingling in my pinky) or my dorsal scapular nerve. I'm unsure what to do next and would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced similar pain and how they managed it.

ALSO not sure if I should have posted on here or if you guys have suggestion on what subreddit I should post on that would help me the most!