So silly but honest question about my boobs…

My nipples never pop out/get hard like I see on TV and on tons of other women (when they’re not wearing a bra). Not when it’s cold, not when I’m aroused, never. When I’m cold they just wrinkle up like tissue paper, and nothing happens when I’m turned on. I’ve had to stop previous partners from sucking on them because they kept wanting for them to “get hard” and it was getting painful.

Is there something wrong with them/me?

EDIT: Thank you all, I feel much better about them now 😅 I didn’t know about inverted and flat and all the variations there were! (I’m flat, from what I’ve looked up based on comments) I’d always felt a bit self-conscious about them but just today got the courage to ask about them. Really appreciate all of you guy’s help!!

And for those commenting on my previous partners- yeah, they weren’t the best. 😑 I was in a bad place (mentally) for a long time and put up with a ton of sht, but I’m doing better now and not feeling like I *need anyone, so yay? 😅

Thanks again!! 😊😊😊