What are you actually supposed to do against Air vehicles?
Wildcat spawns. Two jets rocket run it instantly.
Multiple engineers use FX Lockon. Jets use flares, fly low.
Use SOFLAM. Jets are out of range of a SPOTTER scope. Jets use flares anyways if you do lock.
Jets make another pass 20 seconds later with new flares stocked. Repeat indefinitely.
At least helicopters have kind of a large silhouette you can pepper or try to Lis. Though even if you mind your own business a Hokem decides to go after snipers that are hidden.
SRAW on console is a joke and hail mary dumb fires are pointless.
The air-to-infantry balance is non-existent when a jet can pin point infantry with main machine gun the entire match. Nightbird on PC does the same, yet controller players can't even point it accurately. No fear, only farm.
What do you actually do? The tools for the job don't work clearly.