Tell me you love your treadmill!

I am 95% convinced I want to buy a treadmill for our home gym so I can keep up with my running during our cold, dark winters, and super hot summers. I intend to still run outside whenever I can during nice weather and on weekends/days off but want the flexibility of being able to keep to my running training schedule in a climate-controlled, safe environment when I can't run outside.

I'm a petite female so safety is a big thing for me. It's dark by the time I finish work at the moment and I don't feel comfortable running alone. I think I'll also love being at home, not having to interact with anyone, and being able to watch trash tv while I run cus sometimes I get bored running outside listening to music.

I think my 5% hesitancy comes from all the treadmill haters out there who bought one, never use it and regret it, so tell me that you bought one and love it to make me feel better!