Catastrophizing and Anxiety Super High - Need Advice

Hi all,

My boss mentioned this week that a client asked to work with another individual vs me on an upcoming project. I can't get out of my head that this is a slight against me and that it must be because I am bad at my job and he dislikes working with me (rather than he just likes working with the other person). I am afraid that if it is true, I will look incompetent to my boss and coworkers and be humiliated and have to leave my job. My boss thinks that if it were against me, the client would have said so and not to worry. They plan on following up with him on why he requested this change. In the interim, I am crawling out of my skin, catastrophizing and having anxiety - it is actually physically uncomfortable and all-consuming. I need relief. I have been trying CBD oil and klonopin (not at the same time) and they take the edge off a tiny bit. I am reading about CBT but it's not working. Any ideas on what to do to get relief? Thanks so much!