No, She Probably Wouldn’t Have Won If She Campaigned Differently

We are literally living in a country where people are excusing a Nazi salute…its a huge group of people with a whole bunch of different opinions versus a party of a whole bunch of people who were going to vote for him regardless.

I don’t think this was necessarily the election to fight so harshly against the only decent candidate when we were literally up against a cult of millions of people who will worship this man no matter what. But that’s just my opinion.

Our votes and opinions were split whereas the other party gave all their votes to one person. And everything was on such short notice. That’s why it was so fucking dangerous to convince people that, even if they agreed with her views, she’d need to do more convincing. Call me selfish but I genuinely feel like this was the time to just vote for her and then work on criticizing her after we made sure a literal racist wouldn’t have another chance at being in charge.

Society has gotten less empathetic, more insensitive, and more ignorant. People have become so increasingly extreme about their views as well as their support for him and it shows.

He has these people held so tightly in a chokehold…there’s nothing he could do or say that will make them dislike him in the slightest. Absolutely nothing.

So all this discourse about what she could’ve did differently and what the democratic party needs to do differently to lure people in, I feel like it’s bullshit. Like do we not see how extreme they are in their views…? Orrrr? Like what more could we have done if the other party is willing to go as far as to support a man throwing up a Nazi salute and another man who’s said he’d bang his daughter on multiple occasions.

What more is there to do if people are so far gone that they’re willing to support shit like that?