Maps are my only complaint about BO6. Give us better maps and this is PEAK COD
Literally. I‘ve seem many complaints on this sub ( we know it’s Reddit, whatever …) :
I really think there is only one REAL ISSUE : the MAPS ( I can save let’s say 6 of them)
I Consider all other stuff people come up with is pretty much irrelevant.
GUN BALANCE in this game is one of the best ever ( every weapon is solid and there are no OP guns rn)
TTK is good, GUNPLAY is great, MOVEMENT is very good
STREAKS are not OP but maybe they are a bit underwhelming
SPAWNS not that good ( but I really think is related to maps design)
Anyway, what I m trying to say is that this game with BETTER MAPS will make us “forget “ about some minor issues .
We can have different opinions on many topics ,but we all agree on maps being poor designed.
TREYARCH GIVE US BETTER MAPS! Possible 3 lanes with simple layout and not a thousand spots to get killed from