The consequences of getting better at the game

Here's what I think about the matchmaking argument debacle

I usually get told to "get better" at the game constantly, but if getting better results in constantly going up against players that play like they belong in Clan Faze esports team

Then that alone will just discourage anyone from getting good at the game and stop playing the game entirely

On the other side of the argument If people like myself just wanna play the game specifically for fun , I usually get the excuse from people saying "you just want to pub stomp on players all day"

Well..unfortunately that's the trade off of getting better at the game,...sure your getting better , but you're also creating a bad experience for someone else

This is why the matchmaking should be a random experience "AROUND" your skill level not "AT" your skill level

Regarding of your skill level, sometimes you face good players.And sometimes you face bad players with no lobby dissbandment that's how it should be