What novels would you recommend by the same author that focus on anger and the desire for revenge as a recurring theme?
I would love to hear your opinion on which writer has most intensely and persistently conveyed anger, frustration, and rage in their literary work.
There are many authors who have addressed disillusionment with human nature, but some have created novels that are infused with a deep rage that runs through their entire body of work. These authors not only reflect their own dissatisfaction with society but also depict characters filled with fury, resentment, and a desire for revenge to achieve justice.
This question isn’t just about the amount of anger shown in a specific work, but how this emotion becomes a recurring theme that defines the author’s view of the world. Whether through visceral and aggressive prose, characters obsessed with a past event, or plots that explore revenge, who has been the writer most capable of conveying this sense of anger throughout their entire literary career?