how powerful are monster disguises?
I have seen people talking about kilton's monster masks as though they are pretty useful, but in my own playthrough I still used to get attacked while wearing them. What are the limits of how they work (do you need to be a certain distance away? do certain behaviours affect them? do different levels of enemy react differently e.g. blue vs silver bokoblin?)
Also, are they useful around camps with multiple monster types, like if I wear a lizal mask around a camp with lizalfos and bokoblins, will they all attack me, or just the bokos, or none of them? If I attacked a Boko while wearing a lizal mask, would that aggro nearby lizalfos or would they ignore it?
And does the radiant suit have a similar effect on skeletal enemies, or is the raised bone attack its only perk? In my first playthrough my intuitive thought was that that was what the suit was for, or at least that that would be the set bonus.