My 2025 Top 10 Films WW predictions: Thoughts?

Here is my prediction for what I think will be the 10 highest grossing WW films this upcoming year:

  1. Avatar: Fire and Ash- 2.5b

I would be shocked if Avatar is not the biggest film in 2025. Personally I don't think it will be as big as the original but I do see it making more then The Way of Water. I think the shorter wait time will help and I personally think this one sounds more interesting than the second film. Also The Way of Water was still impacted by COVID and this one should be hopefully okay.

  1. Zootopia 2- 1.3b

People love the first film and as long as this movie is good the sequel should definitely increase. The 10 year wait will help with nostalgia and the Thanksgiving weekend should help it bring out big crowds.

  1. Fantastic 4- 900m

I'm predicting this to be the biggest comic book film of next year. This movie has a ton of anticipation and is the last MCU film before the next Avengers. I'm not sure though it will hit a billion, the highest grossing F4 film has made under 340m WW. If they want 1b I think they will need to confirm that RDJ is in the film.

  1. Jurassic World: Rebirth- 875m

The Jurassic films are pretty popular and the last 3 made over a billion. This one will still do well but I don't think it will hit the 1b mark. Not much time has passed between this and the last film so I think audiences aren't craving a new film as much. The last film also barely passed a billion and that featured the cast of the original film. Still I think this movie sounds promising and if its good the film after should hit a billion.

  1. Lilo and Stitch- 850m

Stitch is one of Disney's most popular characters so I think people will check this out.

  1. Wicked For Good- 840m

Wicked Part 1's box office is still going so it's kinda hard to predict this one. I think Act 1 will finish with around 600m. I think that Wicked For Good will be bigger than the first film. I think that OS the film will perform similar to sequels such as Pirates or Transformers where the sequel is bigger.

  1. Mission Impossible: The Final Reckoning- 800m

The last film I thought was fantastic and I really hope this film does better. I think that this one will do better since it seems like it might be the last one. If this is the last film I'm sure Paramount will market that and it will help bring bigger crowds in. Also not opening before Barbie and Oppenheimer should help.

  1. Michael- 775m

MJ is one of the most popular musicians of all time. If this movie is well received it should be big.

  1. Superman- 750m

What we have seen of the film seems very promising so far and people seem excited for it. I think this will end up being the highest grossing Superman film and a solid start for DC Studios.

  1. Captain America: Brave New World- 680m

This will be the first MCU film since D&W which was very well received so I think that might help gain interest for what is next in the MCU. The trailers IMO have been promising so far. The release date is also great and has little to no competition. I think this will perform similar to Winter Soldier.