Help! Baby won't take a bottle
My baby is 3.5 months now. She primarily breastfeeds but took one bottle a day just fine for the first 2.5 months. Then we went without giving her a bottle for a week and now she refuses to take it. For the last month or so we've been trying to get her to take a bottle again but she'll scream and cry for an hour and then fall asleep cause she tired herself out.
My husband and I are back to work on opposite schedules, so he's at home with her while I'm at work. I work 10 hour shifts at a hospital so it's not very flexible. She NEEDS to take a bottle but she won't.
We've tried every tip and trick that I could find and we've tried SO many bottles. My husband has been bringing her to me to feed her during my lunch break, but she's hungry and crying at home pretty much the entire time I'm at work. I honestly just don't know what to do and it's heartbreaking.
We've tried a lot of things and a lot of bottles, but if anyone has any ideas, I'd be so grateful!