How did you transition from combination feeding to exclusively breastfeeding?
FTM with a 4-week old here! I’m currently doing combination feeding by breastfeeding followed by bottle feeding (with either formula or pumped breast milk).
I’m aiming to transition to doing EBF and I’m curious to hear how others have done it!
I’ve already consulted with a LC and her advice was to reduce the bottle topup every other feed as not to abruptly change the routine of my baby. So I used to topup 75ml after every breastfeeding session but with my LC’s advice, I do 60ml every other feed.
Hoping to hear more on how others successfully did it though!
Other background information: - Been doing bottle topup since the hospital since the baby was on the brink of loosing too much weight. But baby is now back to her birth weight - I pump about 2-4x a day - My supply is getting better though I don’t think it’s at its peak yet
TY in advance!