Newborn only eating for 2-3 min at night?

Hi! I’m EBF my son he’ll be 5 weeks old on Sunday. He’s gaining weight great having lots of wet and dirty diapers but he’s keeping me up all night.

He sleeps well in his bassinet for the first stretch of the night (which isn’t long usually 2 hours) and then after that he wakes up I try feeding him he’ll eat for maybe 2 minutes and then unlatch and freak out if I offer him my boob again he just wants to sleep in my arms.

Is this normal? Usually what happens is I doze off with him in my arms and wake up 3 hours later and freak out because he’s still on me and I try purring him down and then he cries from what I assume is hunger and then he’ll only eat for 2 minutes again and then unlatch and won’t relax until I give him his pacifier then he immediately falls asleep.

Is there anything I can do to get him to eat a full feeding? I try waking him up again he’s just not interested and obviously falling asleep with him in my arms is so scary I don’t want that to happen anymore.

Is it normal that he’s eating for so short at night? Thank you! Any advice is appreciated