Milk supply crisis

Hello, I am a first time mom with a 2 week old baby boy. I didn’t start lactating until the day my son was born and after that my supply kept growing. I went from 1 oz to pumping about 5 on one side at a time. It wasn’t until this week where I’ve really struggled with producing more milk. My son is growing and seems to need more and more every day but I barely scrapping by with my supply. I’m trying to maintain hydrated. In not much of a meal person but more of a snacker. I try to get as much sleep as I can. However I do have newborn and you know how feeding times go. The first week I did breast feed more but since then I’ve bottle fed more due to the pain in breast feeding and the fact that I don’t think he’s getting enough when he latches. I’ll have him latched for a while but he recently it seems he can’t be satisfied. I’m not sure what to do and I’m worried I won’t be able to produce milk soon. Not sure what to do or try.