Glorification of RuneScape and BrighterShores Leaderboards (differences)

When we were kids it was such a cool thing to see Zezima as he was a legend to us at the time. Almost, a mythical creature to us, since we were so naive and it was a novel thought of someone "Beating" the game. Our concept of time was poor and we didn't realize what it actually would take for someone to do something like that. (Countless sacrifices)

For me personally, now high scores is almost pointless and if anything kind of the opposite effect of admiration and praise.

I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions. I see posts about people who are on the high scores so I wonder if my take the minority?

At the end of the day I don't care what people what to spend their time doing but as observation is I don't have the same feeling as I did when I was a kid.