Nervous about cutting my hair short

Hi ya'll, I have made a big decision and decided to cut my hair short next month. I currently have long hair, but also paired with an undercut so I wear my hair up all the time to show it off. I've been tying my hair back nearly my whole life because I hate the feeling of hair in my face and touching my neck- but I realize that tying my hair back all the time isn't healthy for it. I've wanted short hair my whole life but have been hesitant to do it.

I'm nervous about my family's reaction, but I think I'm more-so nervous about having short hair due to modern day social politics- especially against trans people. I'm afraid to walk into a women's restroom and have other people think that I'm a man and call the cops or be aggressive towards me. I live in Dallas so it is liberal in many ways, but also our suburbs are pretty conservative. Do any southern US butches have any advice?