When people ask you if you sell the things you knit
Took kids to the dentist today. Daughter was wearing a cardi I made and son was wearing a beanie. They’re both big on bragging (🥹) that mom made them things so they always bring it up if someone compliments what they’re wearing. The hygienist asked if I ever sold the things I make because she wanted matching specific colored beanies for her and her daughter, and I always just go haha nooo I’m not good enough to charge for it! Because the alternative is like f “no, because unless I decide not to charge for the time I spend making it, you’re looking at a $20 beanie. And if I charged minimum wage for my labor, it would be an $80 beanie :/“
Does anyone actually sell their items? I have absolutely no plans to, but I did make my son’s friends all their own hats for him to give as Xmas gifts in their orientation colors (one is trans, one is a lesbian, one is bi, and they requested them so dw I’m not accidentally outing a bunch of teenagers) and one of the parents ALSO asked to pay for me to make one for their sibling. I try to gently explain that even if they just pay for the yarn at $10/skein if I have to purchase colors I don’t already have it gets expensive quickly. I can make a worsted beanie in 2-3 days if I work on it a couple hours a day so it’s not like a super huge time suck, but every project I make for others pushes my own projects further down the list.
I guess I could just get better at saying no, or at the very least start asking people to buy the yarn and let them decide if it’s too expensive? Idk, I’m just curious how other people approach this very common question.