[No Spoilers] C4 character / Class predictions

So this is assuming they are using Dnd and not dagger heart, I will also be using 2024 content as well...

Liam O'Brien - Cleric of the Life Domain

Liam has said he is interested in doing a cleric, following the 4 main classes (Rogue, Wizard, Fighter, and Cleric) I say life domain cause I think Liam will lean into the support play style of the cleric and Life domain is the best healer in the game.

Laura Bailey - Barbarian of the World Tree

I think Laura will flavor the subclass out of the plant aspect of the class. For instance instead using the "spectral branches" she will use water tendrils... I say this because Laura has showed interest in the past of a "mermaid" campaign, so I think she may make a character from the underwater nations Matt has talked about in the past.

Marisha Ray - Paladin of Devotion

Looking at Marisha's past characters I feel she is going to go into a Melee character, especially one that uses a weapon as their main attack... I also say Devotion subclass because she hasn't really done a character that follows a deity so I feel like that is a place she may go to and especially want to explore the world of thepost C3 deities.

Sam Riegel -Monk of the Open Hand

Sam hasn't really done a melee class (for a full campaign) besides Veth I feel like Monk will be fun for him to play. I could totally see him playing like an Uncle Iroh type character but idk... this one im not so sure on

Travis Willingham - Wizard of Scribes

I really want to see Travis playing a full caster character, especially when looking at the fact that all his characters have been Melee based and each has extra attack ( I hope he doesn't go Bladesinger haha) But thats why I say Order of Scribes subclass would be a good fit for him. That subclass feels like the wizards of all wizards... being able to manipulate the damage types I think would just be so fun for him and he would enjoy it so much. I am also going to say I want Marisha and Travis to play siblings in the next campaign, imo It would be amazing.

Taliesin Jaffe - Wizard of War

With this subclass I feel like tal would lean heavy into the role of support and manipulating the battle field for his teams advantage. I feel like if you know what this class is I dont have to say anymore lol... this one im most confident on

Ashley Johnson - Warlock of the Genie

Ashley has talked about her anxiety in playing combat in dnd and while the limited spell slots may still cause that I feel like she would love the simpleness of eldritch blast. Regarding her invocations Im going to say her main may be tome..? I kinda like the idea of Ashley playing a full on Witch, and having a coven and stuff! Thats also why I choose Genie which could be reflavored into Witches Pact and have a spell book be her genie vessel?

Robbie Daymond - Druid of Dreams / +2 Ranger Levels

Idk what Robbie would want to play in all honesty so I chose this... but all I want is for him to play as a main character PLZ

Lmk what your thoughts are on mine and what you think they may choose!
Remember this is all speculation and my own opinions!