Slightly obsessed with crocheting these party crowns
I guess I like to punish myself because I decided in November that I wanted to make 30 of these crowns (3 sets of 10) to bring to the 3 Christmases I'll be attending this year. I learnt foundation half double crochet for getting them started, which is definitely the slowest part, but I can still bang one out in a few hours.
Where I live in the UK we have a tradition of Christmas Crackers, which if you haven't ever heard of them are kind of hard to describe but they're cardboard tubes that you pull apart and they have a tiny gift inside, a joke, and a paper crown. I have very fond memories from my childhood of competing with my siblings for who could keep the paper crown on for the longest (it would inevitably break when you tried to sleep overnight in it) and generally I just love the crowns and think they give a great party atmosphere. I wanted to make these as a more permanent version of those.