[Cyberpunk Music!] Futuristic Environment. Share your Favorites!

I love cyberpunk. Philip K. Dick. William Gibson. Neal Stephenson. Cinema, anime. And his music. I wanted to share this with you, and encourage you to share the music and atmospheres that make you feel it intensely! 2077 is a masterpiece.

There are thousands of songs, it's difficult to choose just a few... I hope someone discovers something they love. Share what you love, whatever the style.

Carpenter Brut! Turbokiller.

https://youtu.be/-Wp95itbiAA Leather Teeth!

https://youtu.be/t2jTBEe4xuE Blood Machines!

https://youtu.be/oTN6cGmH2yM Perturbator! Sentient..

If a common point lies beneath the skin of Cyberpunk, it is what makes us human, and the transcendent point in which we create something like us, that can feel.

https://youtu.be/ZLp8EGCA3Q4 The Cult of 2112!

Although CoMaelstorm have Industrial inspirations, this song reminds me of their faith in digital transcendence.

https://youtu.be/ABllXF9zIHk Scandroid! Dance With the Dead Remix of "NeoTokio".