What I've learned having lost my virginity at 22 (M)
1 - it's overrated, it won't fix a broken person.
2 - But it's also pretty good.
3 - sex is expensive, moments of intimacy are financially and time costing.
4 - women are complicated, at least the only one I got intimate with, and that requires a lot of emotional health and maturity to deal with.
5 - It's very easy to fall into a toxic relationship when it seems only one person finds you sexually attractive.
6 - Sex requires communication, following Caitlin V philosophy made me perform well although inexperient, and able to adjust whenever I wouldn't be able to perform well.
7 - I'm sorry for people who make sex/relationship their top priority in life, anything that requires the help of a stranger to work it's at mercy of luck.
8 - All and all, don't loose you virginity with someone you don't trust, sex it's only worth it if you are genuinely attracted to the other person.
9 - Nothing beats peace of mind, if sex comes at cost of that run away, that's what I did, and I shall remain sexless for some other lone long years lol.