Why are some people even dating?
I recently tried dating someone in his 40s to find out he is badly addicted to porn and has ED. He has been unemployed for several years and collecting disability (and lies about it). He had to move into his parents’ house while we were talking…you get the idea. Bafflingly, I saw him on a dating site.
It would make sense if there were a dating site for self-aware fuck ups and people in rough spots, like hey, let’s all just be honest here, but he only looks for functioning, attractive women.
My question is why would someone who can’t properly have sex and whose life is a disaster be dating?!?! I understand wanting companionship but that’s what friends and acquaintances are for. I would not subject other people to that and use them to fill my gaping holes.
There is so much mental health information available for free, including excellent podcasts. Why not get it together? Why are these people dating?? Utter delusion? It almost seems predatory.