Why is this allowed? Genuine question.

(TO PREFACE: I aim not to get hate comments, just answers or valid reasonings)

Got put in a lobby where the killer was much better than us, fine, I don't really mind losing.

he knocks down one of my teammates, OK, then the second right after, OK. All that is left is me and my teammate who are both injured.

My teammate gets downed too right as I finish the last gen, but I can't leave everyone else behind, but I eventually get knocked aswell. (I revived two of them but they died instantly anyways)

so, for the next 5 minutes, we all sit on the ground in a pile bleeding to death. while the killer stares at us and swings at us on the ground in a way that was clearly toxic, like maybe an equivelent of T-bagging.

I can't fucking leave this round so I'm forced to just stare at my screen and be held hostage and watch as my teamates bleed out, I'm the last one left by a small margin but naturally, I get Mori killed.

Can someone explain to me why this is allowed? If you make the point that we suck at the game, then please don't bother commenting as it isn't the point. I have the clip too, I recorded late but same story before I started.

I reported on BHVR website and told it wasn't punishable which is what prompted me to ask, why?
