Baby Blue is their best song

I think this is a very high contender for the best song they've written. It was the second song I liked from them with the first being worthless animal. So that does cloud my judgement a bit. Sunbather is excellent but it was never the sound that drew me to deafheaven. It was always the DNA that didn't come from black metal that set them above and beyond others for me. (And I like black metal)

Baby Blue just hits something else. It's both extremely black metal and extremely not, and it's the best thing deafheaven has written.

The intro lures you into that emotional state just in time to hit you in the face with icicles when the screams come in. It's such a raw song for them as well. The vocal performance with that cold guitar just does something gnarly.

That instrumental bridge coming in with that simple riff is there I think just to let you sit with the previous section for a while. There's a slight build of tension and then ofc the ending...

It feels like falling through the ice and getting sucked in by an undertow in a frozen river. Everything just comes together perfectly and it really justifies the near minute of the repetitive bridge. You need that space to be primed for the ending.

I know the band was in a bad place when they wrote new Bermuda, you can definitely tell. But I think nowhere did that bad place translate more truly to the art than Baby Blue. It's a painful song. I think the mark of really stellar art is it's ability to make you feel something and Baby Blue has never failed to give me chills.

It's all subjective ofc, but if I was asked what's Deafheavens best song, Baby Blue in a heartbeat.