Doomfist feels weak

We all know doom needs some buffs, and with the new meta being around hammond and dive tanks, we might see doom a little more, but it's just doom still feels really weak. I play doom on console, and he's fun. I like his play style, but it's so hard to get value with him unless you one trick him. Most of the time, the enemy team instantly switches to counter me. I've been picking up hanzo lately, and his fun, so idk if im gonna be a doom main anymore. It's just annoying and frustrating to play doom now. Sometimes, i get amazing teammates who dive in with me. I just pop off, but that rarely happens anymore. I just feel like I've hit a wall like idk of theres anything else that i need to learn. I just feel like i can't rank up unless i have a 5 stack and actually talk with my team, but i mostly solo queue and in EU servers a lot of people dont speak english.