Perfect Cell vs. Cell Games Gauntlet
On a post recently, I noticed that many fans seem to be of the opinion that had Cell followed the rules of his own Cell Games and had Goku not given him a Senzu bean, Cell would have bitten off more than he could chew and eventually lost even if Gohan hadn't gone SSJ2. And some were even saying that Goku could have beaten Cell by abusing Senzu beans. Personally, I disagree with these notions and believe Cell would easily beat everyone besides Gohan, so I made this post to see how many agree or disagree with me and to hear their reasoning as to why.
Scenario A: Cell and everyone else follows all the rules, including the rule that you can lose by ringout, Gohan is completely willing to fight with his full strength in SSJ1 but won't turn SSJ2, Cell doesn't attack anyone who's not his current opponent, none of the people waiting to fight interfere with the others' matches, and no one gets a Senzu bean. How far down the gauntlet can Cell get? If he completes it, how weakened is he at the end?
Round 1: Cell vs. Goku.
Round 2: Cell vs. Gohan.
Round 3: Cell vs. Vegeta.
Round 4: Cell vs. Trunks
Round 5: Cell vs. Piccolo
Round 6: Cell vs. Android 16, Tenshinhan, Krillin, and Yamcha all together.
Scenario B: Same conditions and rounds as Scenario A, but no ringout rule.
Scenario C: Same conditions and rounds as Scenario B, but Gohan doesn't really want to fight just like in the original, and Cell will allow anyone except Gohan to take a Senzu bean and try fighting him a 2nd time if they want to (for as long as they have beans).
Bonus Scenario: No rules fight. Everyone at the Cell Games except Gohan jumps Cell together instead of fighting him one at a time. He doesn't have time to make Cell Jrs. and Gohan is not present to get involved at all. Also, Cell doesn't just blow up the Earth immediately because he wants to enjoy the fight.