Biden has destroyed the Dollar as a reserve currency.

Saudi Arabia says they are open to settling trade in other currencies.

An 8 minute clip on a Bloomberg story,

  • It is happening because of the actions of Biden
  • The story is an interview with a Saudi Minister.
  • Any currency that is appropriate including the Yuan.
  • MBS has excellent relations with the Russians
  • The Chinese are maneuvering to take the place of the US and the Saudis support it.
  • Alternatives to SWIFT are being organized.
  • The reserve currency of the Dollar has come into question.
  • The Saudis will join the BRICS
  • India and Russia are working on a huge trade deal that will exchange Rubles and Rupees
  • More trade deals that exclude the USA.
  • Dollar will be a reserve currency for maybe 3 more years.
  • Sanctions have scared other countries so they no longer have faith in the dollar. They're dumping it.