Thoughts on renting a F150 lightning for a week (as a model Y owner)

I own a 2023 model Y and a 2015 ICE F150. In spite of recent events I love my Tesla. The family went on vacation and we lucked out with the rental company and got a 2024 F150 lightning.

The good: It feels like a truck, with all the benefits of an EV. It still has some of the acceleration I love about EVs. I've grown used to not having buttons in the Tesla, but there are a handful that are really useful (volume, temperature, etc). Although honestly Ford could lose half the buttons and still be ok. I loved the top down view in reverse, extremely useful with a big truck. I loved having the stats on the dash (speed, charge level, etc), but not a deal breaker.

The bad: The infotainment is miles behind Tesla. I loved being able to use Android Auto, but I honestly don't miss it at all in the Tesla. I miss the AI detection of speed limit signs as the maps were wrong on a couple occasions. Although not a Ford issue, having to use third party chargers was a huge turn off. Since it was a rental I couldn't use an adapter with Tesla's supercharger network. I had so many problems with chargers in a single week I can see why people get frustrated. While I've owned a very similar sized F150 for years, it's used as a backup vehicle to the Tesla and for towing. Using it as a family vehicle was cumbersome, it's just too big. EDIT: going with traffic on the freeway is brutal, I can almost feel the battery drain in real time.

The bottom line: Love the lightning, and probably would have gotten one if they were not so expensive and hard to find when we bought the Tesla. With all of that said, my only real complaint is the infotainment. Everything else is not really a lightning problem. It's too large as a family vehicle, but that's an F150 issue not a lightning specific one. If only someone would make a smaller 4 door EV truck that could handle light towing and the occasional trip to home Depot.