coworker basically coughed in my face

So my coworker came up to me and held his already used water bottle to my face and pushed all the air up then opened it to make a popping sound as a joke. This would be fine except I literally felt all the water droplets land on my face. Thankfully I was wearing a mask so it only really got on my eyes but Im still really scared. I havent been scheduled this week so how do I know if he called out sick or something, he seemed fine today but Im still scared. Idk if the germs could gave gone through the mask or slipped through or something, idk if this sounds irrational. Usually my reaction to something like this would be to immediately jump in a shower but unfortunately at work I cant do that. I know he didn't mean any harm and he was just kidding but its driving me insane and its all I can think of right now.