My employer asked for proof and i said no

i took a half day and day off of work after having a pain flair up. The next day my employer sent me a message asking for a copy of the diagnosis.

i sent this, I understand the need for documentation when taking extended sick leave or requesting work accommodations. However, I prefer to keep my medical details private, as it can be somewhat humiliating to disclose specific information about my condition. I can provide a doctor's note confirming that I was unwell on the day in question if that would be helpful. Thank you for your understanding!

everyone around is saying my tone is aggressive and too firm but i tried really hard to be polite and professional.

i don't know what to do. i am afraid my employer will treat me differently now because of the message or even lose my job. i feel so ashamed and humiliated that my endometriosis is even a topic of conversation. ive been sobbing for hours because i just feel humiliated and anxious. I never asked for this condition and no one around me seems to understand how its not easy to talk about because of how sensitive of a topic it is.

edit: thank you everyone for being so kind you have no idea how much your words changed my life

UPDATE: Got a verbal warning for making mistakes at work (Like using Ms. instead of Mrs) and they accused it being because of my condition