Surgery anxiety
I have my surgery booked for mid Feb - it’s less of a diagnostic surgery as one of my ovaries is adhered to the uterus - a clear endo sign - I have a few worries about the whole experience that I’ll share, if anyone is able to shed some light on their experience it would be very much appreciated.
for those with their ovaries adhered, how was the healing? Was it difficult or straight forward?
was the healing in general tolerable or was it difficult? I’m a nursing student and I’m having it 2 weeks before I go back to school, scared I’m going to have to defer
did you find the surgery made your pain before surgery (if u had pain) any better?
did you have any post op discomfort? Was it painful? How long was it painful for
what classic endo symptoms for you minimised post surgery
what complications came from the surgery?
how long was the recovery?
did you get an IUD while under, did that make the recovery harder?
if you have an IUD (hormonal) have u found it’s made your endo better to handle?
Sorry it’s a lot I just feel a bit confused on the whole situation Thanks for any insight xx