Dr Nezhat risk assessment

For those who have considered seeing (or have seen) Dr Nezhat, I’m curious about your experience. One of the things they ask of new patients is to download their app and take the risk assessment. My score came back as 90% which I do feel is accurate. However, I started to wonder whether they give everyone that score in order to perform more surgeries. So I retook the assessment answering the questions quite differently than before and again got 90%. Then I took the assessment again, again answering the questions very differently (and in both of these subsequent tries, I answered the questions as basically having no issues at all). Again 90%. So I’m wondering whether anyone has taken that assessment and NOT gotten 90%? And has anyone seen him and not had surgery suggested? Or has anyone had surgery with him and determined endo had not been found? I’m just feeling very conflicted now as he was highly recommended by my RE but then I started to read all the bad things.