My lap was not a cure all after all
I had my lap to excise stage 2 endo from around my utero sacral ligaments 2 months ago by an endo specialist who came recommended to me by a fellow sufferer.
I'm coming up to my third period, which is generally when my endo flares up, otherwise it's mostly non existent. First period was right after lap, wasn't expecting miracles. Second period, I had no brain fog, I didn't have low level pain in my abdomen, I could run with minimal discomfort. I practically felt normal.
A couple days ago I had some nausea and fatigue, which essentially caused brain fog and made me feel like a space cadet. Common symptom leading up to my period. Then today I'm doing intense cardio which normally sent me into complete agony, did just that.
To go from being practically normal to like nothing ever changed is a little disheartening.