I'm good at but HATE Engineering/STEM careers - any other ENFJs in my shoes?

I'm Male, 26 and a hardcore ENFJ (people say I'm the most ENFJ ENFJ they have ever met lol).

I'm soon to graduate with a Masters degree in Engineering but I long ago figured out that I absolutely hate Engineering and can't bear the thought of being an Engineer. The problem is, I'm really good at it - I've always been near the top of my class, which is why my parents kind of forced me to pursue a Masters degree in Engineering despite my emphatic protestations.

Every personality test I've taken (MBTI, OCEAN, DiSC, Holland) squarely places me in social/people-oriented categories.

My heart is in the humanities and the social sciences - I love literature. I love languages. I love psychology. I love the arts. I love music. (My room is filled with novels and poetry books from top to bottom). I write a lot. My life goal is to be an established novelist. Writing is the only way I can express my intense emotions and keep my heart sane.

As you must have already guessed - I LOVE people, and need to be in a role where I am surrounded by people, and working with them and making them happy by directly impacting their lives is what I gain satisfaction from. Engineering is anything but dealing with people - being stuck alone in a cubicle for 8 hours everyday dealing with screws, nuts, bolts, machines and gears where interaction with others is non-existent - like omg how do you not kill yourself!

I'm currently working on figuring out potential careers I could pursue which are people-oriented/customer-centric/client-facing. Are there any other ENFJs out there who are in my shoes - i.e. has an Engineering/STEM educational background but absolutely hates it?

EDIT: Thank you so much to the people who used the word "trapped" to describe my current predicament, that word perfectly encapsulates how I currently feel.