Breville Bambino Plus Steam Wand Needs to Run Twice to Work Well?

Hello! I've had my Bambino Plus machine for about a year and started noticing over the last couple weeks that when I use the steam wand the first time each day or after its cooled down a couple hours, the steam power starts off okay but gets weak in the middle of steaming and produces much less steam. The pump still makes the right sounds. If I stop the wand after and run it again, then it usually works at full power.

I've tried descaling multiple times, including letting the solution sit in the pipes for several hours and then trying to flush it. Nothing has helped. I called Breville support and the person had me run the steam wand itself (which I thought was visibly weak) and then show myself steaming milk, and of course when steaming milk it worked because it was the 2nd run. They claimed not to see it look weak when I ran it without milk the first time.

Curious if anyone has run into this issue and if they found a solve or were successful in getting Breville to do something about it. I've been a long-time lurker on this sub and read a lot of the posts here before making the plunge into espresso – so thanks so much to the community!